Stockport Sports - Stockport Sports Village

Ladies and Gentlemen: Happy Non-League Day! Non-league day is set up to help promote, yes, you’ve guessed it, Non-League football. To us non-league bloggers non-league day is like Christmas!

To celebrate Christmas, non-league day I decided to watch Stockport Sports play (as Colls club secretary Emil would say) the #almostfamousblacknwhites.

I saw this as a good opportunity to visit Stockport Sports Village as it wasn’t a ground I was itching to visit. Originally, I was planning on abandoning non-league football on its big day and go to watch Rochdale vs Bury with my Grandad. However, on Friday night I was informed that he could not make it. So, with little time to plan, I decide to grace my presence at Stockport Sports Village … whilst cheering on the mighty Colls.

A couple of Facebook messages later it was decided my three mates Will, Rob and Tom will be joining me on the trip to Stockport Sports Village.

Whilst planning my non-league outing I discovered that Stockport don’t actually play in Stockport, they actually play in Woodley, and I got the train to Bredbury… to many towns!!

So, everything was planned.

I woke up the next morning fresh and ready for Christmas, Nonleague day, but wait… it’s raining. Could the weather ruin my hopes of spending non-league day at Stockport Sports Village? Of course it couldn’t, whilst planning my trip I did a bit of research; Stockport Sports have had £3.5 million pumped into their ground, that money has been spent refurbishing and installing a 3G Pitch. With this pitch it’s very rare to see a game get called off!

My journey to Woodley began at 12:00. Tom met me at my house and we strolled over to Bromley Cross rain station (very much a regular in my Blogs) to catch the 12:23 to Bolton. We did so.

The next train to catch was at Bolton where we would meet Will, the train left to Piccadilly at 12:35, we planned to get on this train. But, in true Half Time Whistle fashion, we missed it and we failed our plan. Will got stuck in traffic on the way. A quick phone call to Rob explaining we were going to be late was done and a look at the timetables another train came in 20 minutes.

We actually caught that train! HOORAH!

Arriving at Piccadilly, myself, Will and Tom met Rob (programme editor at Stockport Sports) and waited for our train to Bredbury. Our little delay in Bolton caused us to miss our connecting train but not to worry trains departed to Bredbury rather regularly.

Upon arrival at Bredbury Rob revealed he doesn’t actually know exactly where he is going. He revelled he normally gets the train to Woodley.

My initial reaction was, are we actually going to get this game or are we going to get lost in Woodley/Bredbury? Not to worry, if you take a right turning out of the train station you will find the ground no problem. Stockport Sports Village is possible one of the best signposted grounds in Non-league football. Credit to them for this!

Arriving at the ground half an hour later than we would have liked (14:00) we headed straight for the turnstiles.

On the train to Bredbury Rob had said “the man at the Turnstile strangely always seems to call me Ben, watch him, I bet he does today”.

Instantly, the man on the turnstile said to Rob, “Hi Ben, go on I’ll let you through”--- “Oh yes, sorry its Rob isn’t it.”

Anyway, I went through for £1 (BARGIN ALERT) picking up a programme for £1.50 along the way. The programme is well worth a buy, full colour, lots to read and with a bargain price of £1.50 how could you refuse?

My little interview conducted by Rob was in the programme and can be found bellow.

As for Stockport Sports Village, well, it’s a funny, there are some nice points of the ground and there are some weird parts of the ground. I don’t mind it. I’d say it’s worth the visit.

You go through the turnstiles facing the left corner flag opposite the turnstiles. To your left, is what I’m going to call ‘The Car Park End’ simply because there is a car park directly behind it? This is a simple covered area that gives you the choice to stand or to sit on the two rows of red and black seating. This stand runs half way the length of the pitch directly behind one goal. I do quite like this stand.

To your right is what I’m going to call ‘The Main Stand’ this is your average Non-League main stand, a few rows deep again rows of black and red seating. The Main Stand offers some great views of the play folding out in front of you. You can find the bar by going up the stairs into the stand. This area of the ground is also home to ‘The Hatch’ which sells food and drink. Now it’s the next part of the ground which spoils it. There is a big grey block next to the main stand which I’m told is part of ‘The Complex’ and is a gym. This and the 3G Pitch give the ground the ultra modern, dull atmosphere around the place.

The rest of the ground basically consists of hard concrete, grey, standing.

After a quick conversation with Emil and Gibbo, I headed over to ‘The Hatch’. I heard good things about this place. Good range of food. Looking at the menu, I ordered Steak Pie and Chips. It was then got told no northern football fan wants to here There were no pies. No pies. So I just had chips. The chips were not bad. I would recommend buying a bacon butty as they looked fantastic.

It was soon game time. Me, Will and Tom perched ourselves behind the dugouts with The Colls Crazy Gang.

It didn’t take long for Colls to adjust to Sports 3G surfaces it only took five minutes for them to register their first attempt on goal. Aaron Cringle won the ball on the centre spot and sent the ball in Mark Truffas direction. Truffas found himself in the far left wing area. He sent a cross-come-shot over towards Sports goal and keeper Alex Baird easily saved.

Colls were beginning to control possession at this point and where playing some neat football on a very different surface. But on thirteen minutes a questionable referring decision changed the game.

In the eyes of the referee a shoulder barge between a members of the Colls back four and Sports Steve Foster (in the box) was deemed illegal and warranted a penalty. Step up James McShane who sent the ball into the right hand corner sending Joe Brobbin the wrong way.

Two minutes later the Colls were looking for a way back into the game. Aaron Cringle fired wide after some high standard midfield play from Paul Atherton, Atherton then passed it onto his twin Karl who sets up Cringle.

On thirty-four minutes Sports put even more pressure on the Colls defence. Brobbin flapped and dropped the ball after a Sports free kick. Steve Foster found the ball at his feet in the packed box. He chipped the ball over everybody (including Brobbin) but not Colls captain Brad Cooke who headed it away for a corner.

From that corner, Sports scored their second. Sam Bailey whipped an asking ball into the box. Danniel Shannon easily found the space to send the ball into the back of the net.

Four minutes later Colls found themselves under pressure again, a doggy clearance was picked up by Sports goal scorer Shannon, he ran from half way, cut in, his shot met the post.

Half time could not have come sooner for Colls. Half time I ventured up into the very plush bar. You could tell this place has seen lots of investment over the years. However, I was disappointed when we were turfed out as their was a function on later that night and they needed to prepare.

For the start of the second half we perched or selves in the main stand. 

On the forty eight minute things went from bad to worse for the Colls. A Sports cross from the far left caused confusion in the Colls box. Foster easily volleyed past Brobbin from just inside the box.

Just over the hour mark it was 4-0 to the home side. Defending from set pieces became the Colls downfall. Another Bailey corner was met by David Chadwick whose header was cleared off the line. However, according to the linesman it went over. The referee gave it. 4-0.

Colls first shot of the half was on seventy six minutes. Gaz Peet sent the ball over to substitute Daryl Putton who sent a shot from about 30 yards; his shot was a routine save for keeper Baird.

Ten minutes from the end Sports scored their fifth. Brobbin ran out of his goal in an attempt to clear the ball, however, sports sub Jacob Warzycha won it ahead of him and rounds Brobbin to
pass to Foster who easily tapped in to complete his hat trick.

In review, unfortunate referring decisions spoilt the game for the black and whites, the game got a bit ugly towards the end with some nasty tackles coming from Sports. A red card was shown to Sports number 14 Jack Blomforth for a nasty challenge on Mark Truffas.

After drowning in my sorrows it was time to say our goodbyes to The Colls Crazy Gang it was time to make our way home. On the wa back to Bredbury station I stopped off at the local Chippy and ordered a chip barm. I recommend visiting that place the chips were superb. 

First stop, Piccadilly, second, Bolton, third and final, Bromley Cross.  

Stockport Sports Village. Well, overall, it’s not as bad as some people make out. I don’t mind it. I especially like the two stands. Alright, the atmosphere is non-existent and there is very much a dull grey theme. But, if I’m honest, it is worth the visit.

Ground: - 5/10 - Nice parts of the ground, spolit by dull atmosphere.
Programme: - 7/10 (Quality for money) - Very good, well worth a buy.
Food: - 5/10 (Chips) - Not the best I've ever had but not the worst! 
Match: - 3/10 - Referring decisions spoilt the game. 

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