Curzon Ashton - The Tameside Stadium

The FA Cup – England’s most loved cup competition. Personally, my favourite cup competition in the world! From the neutrals point of view it’s fantastic, a chance to see the ‘big teams’ take on the ‘small teams’ with the possibility of massive upsets. Oh and we’ve seen plenty of them: Hereford United 2-1 Newcastle United (1972) – Liverpool 0-1 Wimbledon (1988) – Liverpool 1-2 Barnsley (2008) – the list is endless!

When planning my trip for this Saturdays (28th) trip I was stuck between two games. First, a saucy (now you don’t normally associate that word with a football match) FA Cup tie between Evo-Stick Northern Premier League Division 1 (mouthful) sides Curzon Ashton and Lancaster City or go and watch the mighty Colls at Widnes Vikings who play at the impressive looking Select Story Stadium.

Two factors affected my final choice, 1) I had to be home early as I started my new job that night and 2) I had not got a lot of money.

It was a tough choice. Curzon Ashton vs Lancaster City it was. Simply because it’s closer, it’s a cheaper day out and I was not willing to pay £5.70 return on the train, not yet anyway. I’m going to save Widnes and their 3G pitch for winter.

Anyway, enough waffling.

My journey to the Tameside Stadium began (like on more or less every one of my Blogs) at 11:55 walking to Bromley Cross train station – my second home – stopping off at the CO-OP to pick up a MONSTER sized Southern Fried Chicken Baguette on the way.

One MONSTER Southern Fried Chicken Baguette later and I was on the packed, of course, train to Manchester Victoria at 12:23. Once in Victoria a quick hop from Platform 5 to 4 and I was on my second train to Ashton.

The train actually gives you a good view of the Tameside Stadium as it begins to pull in to Ashton station. I was already impressed with the place just after a five second clip of the ground!!

Unlike last week’s trip to Irlam I Googled my directions beforehand so I knew exactly where I was going. It was about a 20-25 minute walk from the train station.

The town Ashton Itself, well I didn’t see a lot of it but from what I read online here is what I gathered about the place:
Ashton, by the mid-19th century was considered an important mill town, thanks to the industrial revolution. However, these mills soon went bust and subsequently closed thanks to the import of

cheap foreign goods in the 20th century. Back to modern day, and Ashton is recognised as the proud home of the largest outdoor market in Britain!!

There we go ladies and gentleman loads of ‘Half Time Whistle’ fun facts for you!

I began my walk from the train station and I was soon welcomed by the friendly sight of an IKEA – I was tempted to go in but I bit my tongue and resisted – I did however break into the Lancashire Hotpot’s world famous song ‘I Fear Ikea’. Definitely a classic.

A quick stop of at my favourite shop Aldi and I arrived at my location, The Tameside Stadium – Curzon Ashton FC.

I headed for the turnstiles passing a strange commemorative statue of Jimmy Armfield, Simone Perrota and Sir Geoff Hurst the reason being is because all three were born in Ashton! Another Half Time Whistle fun fact for you all.

After admiring at what first seemed a strange statue that makes no sense (but it did when I saw the plaque) I headed to the turnstiles and I was in the ground. It cost £3 for today FA Cup special, another £1.60 for the programme. Would I recommend the programme? Yes, it was nice and thick and there were lots to read. Although, it needed a tad more coulor.

The Tameside Stadium is probably considered the best in its league. It new, modern but unlike most new and modern grounds it has the ability to create an atmosphere. I’d describe as the Non-League Wembley.

As you walk through the Turnstiles to your right is what I am going to call the ‘Main Stand’ it’s a simple Lego block stand that runs half of the pitch and is seating only. There is an option to stand either side of the ‘Main Stand’, a 6 row deep terrace being your answer.

Opposite you is the ‘Shed’ actually, it’s quite the opposite. Woops. Anyway, it’s a covered terrace which runs the full pitch and is capable of holding 1,100 spectators.

Behind the two goals are small uncovered terraces, they are small, but they are nice, I like them.

The best thing about the Tameside Stadium is that all areas of the ground offer good views of the action. Credit to whoever designed it!!

The back of the main stand was my next port of call to go and say hello to full time tweeters (and Curzon supporters) Joe Lawton and Aaron Flanagan and of course the clubs official tannoy announcer Oliver Newall –a position I hold at Colls! I was nudged in the direction to take part in their little ‘Guess the score’ completion. I resisted being the tight arse that I am.

After a tour of the ground conducted by Joe himself it was time to visit the world famous (well in Non-League anyway) programme shop. “Name me any team in any division” Joe said. Feeling mischievous I said, at random, “Ashton Athletic”. After a quick look, his face dropped, there were no Ashton Athletic programmes, “Anyway, it has every team in more or less every division – but not Ashton Athletic”. And it did. Heaven. It was heaven. I picked out 5 programmes after about half an hour of searching –I could have spent all day in there if I had the opportunity. But sadly, I didn’t, there was an FA Cup clash ready and waiting out of the programme shop.

Onto the game …

The first major incident of the game was recorded on 15 minutes; an injury to Curzon keeper Hakan Burton caused him to be substituted for 18 year old reserve keeper Matthew Green, who in all fairness did a good job.

There were a couple of shots on goal before the injury the most notable one coming on the 11th minute Mathew Warburton (Curzon sticker who became victim of Gibbo’s bread jokes on the trip to Abbey Hey) cut n from the left side across the edge of the box and let fire, however, his shot was well over.

Comically, in the first half, myself Joe and Aaron stood in the ‘Shed’ directly in front of all the loud (to say the least) Lancaster fans. “RIGHT – RIGHT” SCREAMED Joe, only for all the Lancaster supporters to scream “LEFT – LEFT” back at him. Classic!

And that was it for the first half; the second had to be better.

At half time I visited the food area, again, like last week I wasn’t in a pie mood, nor chips so I opted for a hot dog which was okay and for £1.30 (I think) you can’t complain.

Soon, the second half started and I prayed for a better half.

Lancaster was the first of the two teams to record an attempt on goal. 51 minutes. Curzon player Dale Minor cleared the ball off the line following a Lancaster corner.

Young Curzon substitute keeper Geen kept them in the game after being equal to two strong Lancaster chances. First of which coming in the 69th minute, Green had to be alert to tip Lancaster’s Mark Jackson’s header over the bar. Second, Green was forced to make a save to the bottom left of his goal after a shot from Lancaster Tom Kilifin.

With little else to record in the second half that was it, my first 0-0 of the season. Not the first of many I hope!

My train back to Bromley Cross came at around 17:25 so I had a bit of time to loiter but to be safe rather than sorry I said my goodbyes to Joe and Aaron and made my towards Ashton train station.

Passing Aldi and Ikea, which while righting this Blog I have discovered is Britain tallest – wow, this Blog is full of Half Time Whistle fun facts?!? Anyway, I arrived at Ashton and soon after boarded my train back to Manchester Victoria. A quick change and then on my second to Bromley Cross.

Overall, I enjoyed my trip to Curzon. It’s not you ‘average Non-League ground’ but, it was nice to watch the game at a stadium as good as that for a change. I would like to thank my hosts for the day Curzon Ashton, Joe Lawton and Aaron Flanagan.

I would recommend visiting the Tameside Stadium if you get the opportunity, most definitely.

Ground: - 8/10 Nice atmosphere around the place. Nice to watch a Non-League game at such a big stadium.
Programme: - 6/10 (Quality for money) – Some good bits, a bit more couloir to improve.
Food: - 7/10 (Hot Dog)  Your average Hot Dog...

Match: - 3/10  Boring. 

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